Wednesday, September 21, 2022

THE BLACK BRA CLUB - A Study in Sisterhood, Mentoring and Self-Confidence.

Now Available on Amazon as a book/workbook HERE and on Kindle Vella

Every woman should wear a black bra and not be afraid to let the strap show.

 What could that possibly mean? Read the first three chapters of The Black Bra Club for free on Kindle Vella and you'll want to keep reading.

It is a study in finding your self-confidence and purpose in life and more; based on biblical principles.


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Vengeance is MIne ~ the book

Vengeance is Mine by Sage Hunter

Clint Merriweather, a stoic, proud, and honorable landscape contractor, made the tough decision to uproot his family from their small town and move to a bigger city to pursue better opportunities. But life had other plans. An iconic flood and poor business decisions put Clint and his family in jeopardy of losing everything they had worked for.

To add insult to injury, J.T. Harmon, a ruthless project developer, took advantage of the situation by incorporating diabolical clauses in the contracts, squeezing out more money for himself. As Clint struggles to navigate through these obstacles, he begins to question his own worthiness as a provider for his family.

The desire for revenge consumes Clint and Josie as they face those who threaten their livelihood. Danger lurks at every corner as they struggle to adapt to life in a city that is far bigger than their little hometown. The weight of it all takes a toll on Clint's mental health, leading him to seek comfort at a homeless shelter, where he spends time with men who are facing their own struggles.

Read the book on Kindle Vella HERE. Soon it will also be available on Kindle and in print.